Binding Broken Hearts

Introducing Jesus to Those Who Need Him Most

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Blog posts June 2016

The Power of the Word - Part 9

His relationship with God was a bit unusual. He only knew a couple of others like him that God spoke to directly. It was exhilarating at times and heartbreaking at times. It was also a heavy responsibility. God showed up on His own timing when He had something to say to His people. God’s timing didn…

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The Power of the Word - Part 8

Frankly, he was tired of hearing about death. From where he stood, or more accurately walked, the future looked bright. There was a lot to live for – a lot to accomplish. But every time it seemed they moving in the direction of meeting their goals, Jesus would burst their happy bubbles with talk of …

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The Power of the Word - Part 7

He couldn’t quite remember when it had taken such complete hold. What he did remember was that he had grown up a happy child in a loving family. Sure, his family’s business of raising pigs made things difficult now and then with the local priests at the synagogue, but his parents dealt with that. He…

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The Power of the Word - Part 6

He couldn’t remember such a long boring night. The hours had seemed to stretch on forever. He hadn’t done much, no one had. And yet, he was as sore as if he had been hauling nets all night. The break of dawn had never been so eagerly greeted. As soon as it was light enough to see the passengers in t…

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4 blog posts