A man sincerely walking in faith. | Photo by Ric Rodrigues
Have you ever felt like life’s struggles are just too much to bear? Most people try to find something to make sense of life and get comfort and hope in despair. Life can be tiring, especially when a surge of problems come; be it personal, relational, or financial ones. Consequently, we may feel out of our element, deserted, or alone. The good thing is hope can be restored, and it begins with walking in faith.
How do we walk in faith?
Walking in faith means embracing the Lord Jesus in our lives. By believing in him, we understand that He is the real source of comfort, tranquility, and direction. We have to be reminded of his promise; an eternal salvation. As we embrace Him into our hearts, we can learn that it’s better to shed light on others; and to help them to the the same thing. Therefore, introducing Jesus to individuals seeking hope is the best thing to do.
When we introduce Jesus to those in need, or those called the last, the least, and the lost, we remind them of the power of faith in doubt, the strength of Jesus during trials, and Jesus’ love as the source of hope.
1. The Power of Faith in Overcoming Doubt
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
–Proverbs 3:5
Faith is usually the antidote to doubt, therefore we stand on faith when things are apparently very uncertain. Believing in Jesus means believing in God’s promise that He is certainly able to keep. Therefore, He has good things planned for us at those moments, however unappealing they may appear to us at certain moments.
Walking in faith involves letting go of fear and having the mindset that God is with us every step of the way. It’s not always easy, and surely not always an easy route to follow. But when we choose faith over doubt, we open ourselves to God’s peace and direction.
2. Finding Strength in Jesus During Trials
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
-Matthew 11:28
How much easier would it be to face life’s challenges knowing you’re not alone? In trying times, Jesus is there. Jesus’ teachings and experiences on Earth comfort those enduring hardships. This is evident in Matthew 11:28, where Jesus invites all who are weary to come to Him for rest. Life’s challenges can leave us feeling drained, but Jesus offers the strength we need to persevere.
By walking in faith, we acknowledge that we do not have the strength to deal with life alone. Jesus’s intercession invites us to feel that we have all the resources required to face even the most intimidating obstacles. He gives us a positive attitude about life, knowing very well that we are going to come out of every single hardship with his help.
3. Jesus’ Love as the Foundation of Restored Hope
His is the most powerful thing that one can ever count on in life, as it is the base of hope. It has been unchanging, different, and ever-present, whether the world has been suffering or not. By embracing Jesus’ existence, we, in turn, let His love relieve our damaged hearts, fix the broken relationships we moved to, and finally, bring new meaning to our lives again.
Walking in faith is acknowledging his death on the cross and realizing Christ’s unconditional love. He is always with us, even when we are at our worst. It was a sign of the great love that Christ had for mankind, who, as the one who saves us all, always holds us in His great arms. By resting His love as the base for our hope, our future becomes an endless stream of possibilities. This kind of love will help us live confidently, for we are safe and prosperous in God’s plan.
Walking in Faith Transforms Us
Walking in faith, especially through Jesus’s guidance, restores our hope and transforms our lives. When we trust Him, we can decipher a deeper sense of purpose amidst a seemingly difficult situation. Jesus teaches us that even in the face of adversity, we are not without hope. With Him, it’s not lost but always within reach.
What if walking in faith could turn your greatest struggles into opportunities for growth?
Knowing Jesus by Judith Mackie unveils Christ’s love that transcends regardless of the circumstances. This book is a testament to growth as we walk in faith and an inspiring book filled with heartfelt messages of His love. Grab a copy of it now by clicking here!