About Us

Binding Broken Hearts was founded in 2009 when we began visiting and studying with inmates in local jails. When news of our work reached Missouri, we formed a non-profit ministry to reach men and women nationwide. By 2014, the ministry had grown significantly, but remains fully volunteer-driven. Alongside Bert, who handles logistics, and Judy, who writes lessons and letters, our team includes Mona, who edits and returns lessons, and Marylynne who helps with mailing. Our volunteers, aged 66 to 92, work faithfully with hearts willing to serve, guided by God's grace.

A bit about BERT & JUDY: Binding Broken Hearts is a Wyoming-registered non-profit 501c3 organization. We have lived in Buffalo since 1984. Our son, Derek, lives in California with his cat, Squeak. Bert, a retired golf course superintendent, now enjoys woodworking and golfing. I work from home as a bookkeeper, and together we share a love of Bible study and spreading God’s word.

We hold firm beliefs in Biblical teachings, including a literal 6-day creation, the global flood, and Jesus as the divine Son of God. Our faith centers on sharing Bible prophecies that warn us to prepare for Jesus’ return. Our mission is to reflect Jesus in all we do, knowing that through His grace, we can overcome and live with Him for eternity.

We are deeply grateful for how God continues to transform us and lead us toward a closer walk with Him. Our greatest hope is to spread His love and message to others, guiding them toward peace and salvation.

With love,
Bert and Judy

Why Binding Broken Hearts?

We live in a world full of brokenness—broken families, friendships, and hearts. Life’s struggles often leave us feeling lost, with promises broken and loyalty scarce. But in this seemingly hopeless world, there is someone who can restore wholeness—Jesus.

He alone can heal every broken heart and life brought to Him. Jesus never disappoints; He cares deeply, offers comfort, and gives new life. He doesn’t just mend the pieces—He makes everything new.

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